Structural Deficiencies And The Use of FRP Composites


The rehabilitation of structurally deficient and substandard civil infrastructure has become a major concern for the civil engineers worldwide. According to an analysis report issued by The American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA), well over 50,000 bridges in the US are structurally deficient. These are alarming figures which need to be given due attention. Concrete structures built before 1990 had little attention paid to disaster and corrosion resistance. Insufficient progress in seismic engineering was the main reason why earthquakes caused irreparable damage to infrastructure in the 20th Century.

Before proceeding further, it’s important to differentiate a few commonly used terms. When it comes to the concept of rehabilitation of concrete structures, we use terms repair, strengthening, and retrofitting interchangeably and often erroneously. The term repair refers to the use of certain material to remove the structural deficiencies while strengthening means to enhance the performance of an existing design. The term retrofitting is used specifically to refer the seismic upgradation of a structure.

Degradation of concrete structures

Concrete structures deteriorate with the passage of time and there is a number of factors that contribute to this process. Service conditions and the quality of construction material are two major factors that determine the life of a concrete structure. However, the deterioration process can be rectified or slowed by carrying out due maintenance. Without rehabilitation, a steel-reinforced structure is unlikely to achieve the desired service life. Following are some of the common causes of structural degradation:

  • Corrosion is one of the biggest threat to civil engineering structures. The corrosive environment can seriously diminish the strength and capacity of a building.
  • The use of steel bars and other substandard reinforcement materials that cannot withstand the severity of environment.
  • Engineering errors can also be one of the causes of concrete deterioration. Inferior construction workmanship and inappropriate alteration techniques result in deficient structures.

Rehabilitation of concrete structures with FRP composites

Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites have been proven to be the most powerful alternative to conventional steel reinforcement. The use of FRP reinforcement for the rehabilitation of structurally deficient structures is increased worldwide mainly because of the distinctive properties of FRP reinforcement. The rehabilitation process demands lightweight, durable, corrosion-free, high strength, and easy-to-install materials and that is exactly what FRP composites offer.

GFRP fiberglass rebar, a variation of FRP composites, is preferred if an increase in ductility and strength is sought. The rate of corrosion can be reduced by using GFRP to strengthen the reinforced concrete. So far as seismic retrofitting is concerned, researchers concluded that the ductility of concrete columns can be increased by using FRP wrapping. Similarly, reinforced concrete, suffering corrosion degradation, can be strengthened by using GFRP jacketing.


Governments spend trillions of dollars annually to repair and strengthen the existing RC structures. The use of FRP composites in new and rehabilitation applications can dramatically minimize the maintenance cost in future. Composite materials will play a crucial role in building sustainable concrete infrastructure. Companies like TUF-BAR are striving to produce the best GFRP construction materials for civil engineering projects.

What are the Constituents of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bars?


Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) products are being used predominantly by the aerospace industry. However, the compatibility and performance of FRPs in civil engineering projects have demonstrated great potential. The properties of being corrosion-resistant and high in strength make FRP materials an incredible alternative to conventional reinforcement materials. A number of unique characteristics of fiber-reinforced construction materials expand its applicability for a wide range of applications, both for the rehabilitation of existing concrete structures and building new structures. This blog post will discuss the constituents of FRP bars and how constituents determine the quality of final products.

FRP composite materials are usually based on two major components; fibers and polymer matrix. The stiffness and strength of composite materials are controlled by fibers, while the role of matrix is to transfer load and provide protection against environmental elements. Fillers are also used to avoid cracks and the roughness of the surface. Some ingredients like additives and modifiers help enhance the overall properties of fiber-reinforced polymers. Following is a short introduction to reinforcing fibers and resin matrix.


Manufacturers use different types of fibers that offer varying properties, pros, and cons. As mentioned earlier, fibers are responsible for bringing about strength and stiffness. In structural FRP applications, fibers are used in continuous and unidirectional form as fibers provide ultimate performance when they are in a single direction. Three of the commonly used fibers are carbon, glass, and aramid. The selection of fibers depends on a number of factors such as budget constraints, availability, and required performance.

Glass fibers are used for most of the composite applications because they are relatively cost-effective. Some of the forms of glass fibers include R-glass, E-glass, and S-glass. All forms vary in terms of their mechanical properties. Some of the characteristics of fiber glass are;

  • Moderate elastic modulus
  • High tensile strength
  • Electrically and thermally insulating


Matrix plays a significant role in binding FRP reinforcement materials. The primary role of the matrix is to bind and protect fibers from the environment. Matrix has to be thermally and chemically compatible with fibers. In fiber-reinforced polymers, several polymer matrices are used. However, two main types of polymeric matrices are thermosetting and thermoplastic. If we further elaborate thermosetting resins, which is commonly used for FRP composites, we come across three types namely polyester resin, vinylester resin, and epoxy resin. These materials offer chemical resistance and thermal stability. Vinylesters, for instance, are resistant to alkalis and strong chemicals. As compared with polyesters, vinylesters are more effective against moisture absorption and shrinkage. These are the reasons why vinylesters are widely used to manufacture FRP reinforcement bars.

The last four decades have witnessed a significant growth in the use of FRP reinforcement bars in civil engineering projects. Stats suggest that if appropriately designed and fabricated, FRP reinforcement bars can grant concrete structures longer lifetimes without any considerable maintenance costs. TUF-BAR, for instance, is producing GFRP fiberglass bars using quality materials and standard manufacturing process. The quality of constituents and manufacturing process do matter when it comes to producing fiberglass bars that guarantee structural sustainability.

Conditions That Can Seriously Damage the Integrity of Concrete Structures

Concrete Structures

Concrete is probably the oldest known construction material in the history of civil engineering. Greeks and Egyptians used lime-based concrete in 2000 BC. In the 17th Century, steel-reinforced concrete was developed following the invention of prestressed concrete in 1928. Throughout the history, researchers and corrosion experts have struggled to develop a concrete reinforcement material that could provide a defensive mechanism against corrosion. In this blog post, I will discuss some of the conditions that seriously damage the strength and life of a reinforced concrete.

1. Aggregate expansion

Aggregates experience chemical reactions in concrete which leads to concrete deterioration. When water freezes, the excessive water absorption makes it difficult for aggregates to accommodate hydraulic pressure and expansion. The process leads to concrete disintegration. Concrete can be restored to its normal strength if it has been frozen at an early age. However, frozen concrete does not remain as effective against weather as the concrete which had not been frozen.

Aggregate expansion

D-cracking is one the types of concrete deterioration caused by aggregate expansion. It is often observed in pavements because of the natural accumulation of water. Concrete can be made effective against weather conditions by selecting aggregates that perform better under severe weather conditions.

2. Chemicals

The exposure to chemical environments can degrade even the superior quality concrete. Sulfuric acid, aluminum chloride, and hydrochloric acid are few of the chemicals that accelerate concrete deterioration. Groundwater and soil contain sodium, magnesium, calcium and other chemicals. When these chemicals react with hydrated compounds in concrete, the process badly affects the strength and durability of concrete. Carbonatation-initiated deterioration of concrete is an example of the chemical attack. Chemical attacks can be avoided by reinforcing concrete with bars that are resistant against environmental conditions. Marine structures are more vulnerable to corrosion as they have to withstand the most severe environmental conditions.

3. Erosion

Erosion refers to a condition where concrete surface is damaged by friction. As the outer layer of concrete wears, it facilitates the degradation process by exposing the coarse aggregate. Roads and hydraulic structures experience the worst form of erosion. The use of studded snow tires, for instance, damage the outer surface of roads. In dams, spillways, and other hydraulic structures, the waterborne elements lead to abrasion damage.

4. Heat

Concrete can be damaged by fire. High temperature affects modulus of elasticity, flexural and compressive strength of concrete. Temperature over 300 Celsius grades is considered to be unhealthy for concrete. A rapid exposure to very high temperature can create steam inside concrete that leads to explosive spalling.

There are several factors that can cause concrete degradation. However, high-quality reinforcement material can protect concrete structures from corrosive agents, radiation, heat, weather, and physical damages. Fiberglass rebar is an emerging construction solution which deals exceptionally well with severe environmental conditions, enabling concrete structures to withstand corrosive agents, heat, radiation, friction, and other dangerous phenomena for more than 100 years.

How is FRP the Best Earthquake-resistant Material?

Glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP), formed by glass fibers bonded in a matrix made of vinyl ester, has been employed extensively in a number of rehabilitation applications, particularly seismic retrofitting. Seismic retrofitting is a technique to modify the existing concrete structures to make them protected against soil failure and seismic activities. The immunity to corrosion, high strength-to-weight-ratio, and convenient handling and installation make fiberglass rebar a material of choice in a large number of projects where inelastic deformation capacity and high strength are the prerequisites.


Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) has widely been recognized as an effective seismic retrofit material for new and existing concrete structures. When it comes to the authenticity of fiberglass reinforcement in seismic regions, Japan is a leading country in terms of applications of fiber reinforced polymers reinforcement for concrete. We all know Japan is one of the world’s most earthquake-prone country.

Studies to investigate the possible deficiency of concrete structures in seismic regions reveal that the main failure of columns was due to the insufficient ductility of structures and shear strength. The effectiveness of fiberglass material to confine concrete columns has been acknowledged on a global scale. The structural deficiency of existing buildings in seismic regions is a critical problem. However, the concept of seismic design of structures is not very old. In seismically active regions of the world, the improvement in structurally deficient concrete columns has been a proven and most significant application of fiberglass materials.

The traditional technique of seismic retrofit of concrete structures is no longer a practical solution; repairing damaged structures with steel demands plenty of time. In addition to this, steel is susceptible to corrosion and increases the stiffness of the columns exposing a structure to higher transmitted seismic forces. While on the other hand, fiber reinforced polymer composites enable engineers to repair structurally deficient structures in a time-efficient manner.

The maintenance of deteriorated civil engineering infrastructures is costing builders millions of dollars. Earthquakes, aging, and other extreme environmental and geographical conditions are some of the major reasons behind global infrastructure crisis. Currently, retrofitting of concrete structures by fiberglass construction material is one of the most practical schemes to improve seismic resistance.

The use of fiber reinforced polymers, as a construction material has increased considerably over the past couple of decades, primarily because of its higher durability and corrosion resistance. That is why fiberglass rebar has turned out to be an ideal construction material for rehabilitation, seismic retrofitting, and disaster-resistant buildings.

Advantages of Using Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Rebar


The composite material was first produced in the 1960s. Fiberglass reinforced polymer (FRP) was commercially recognized in the 1980s when it was used in high-speed trains project by Japan. The question is why engineers need composite material to build strong and long-lasting projects and why traditionally-used reinforcement materials lack strength. The answer is associated with corrosion which shortens the service life of a concrete structure. Therefore, engineers and builders need to reinforce concrete structures with material that can survive the harsh environmental conditions.

FRP rebar is gaining commercial value mainly because it is resistant to corrosive agents and does not let concrete rust or weaken. GFRP or glass fiber reinforced polymer rebar is a variant of FRP. Advanced composite materials like FRP was adopted by US and Canada for structural applications in the late 1990s. Sensitive concrete structures like seawalls, dams, and power plants have to be reinforced with corrosion-resistant rebar. Fiberglass reinforcement material, therefore, is considered to be the ideal product for sensitive concrete infrastructures.

Advantages of GFRP Rebar:

Glass fiber reinforced polymer rebar is a high value-added construction product. The mega infrastructure providers, such as governments, now have acknowledged the fact that GFRP is a cost-effective construction material that has the full potential to extend the life of public structures where corrosion can have a huge economic and environmental impact. With the rise of corrosion due to global warming, fiberglass reinforcement material has gained considerable popularity. In future, these advanced composite materials would demonstrate their strengths and properties more evidently. Here are some of the advantages of using GFRP rebar in various applications:

  • The constituents of GFRP include high-quality corrosion resistant vinyl ester resin that increases the lifespan of a concrete structure.
  • As compared with the traditional reinforcement material, GFRP rebar is ¼ the weight of steel with 2x the tensile strength of steel.
  • GFRP rebar is non-conductive to electricity and heat making it an ideal choice for facilities like power generation plants and scientific installations.
  • Taking into account the long-term benefits of GFRP rebar, it is a cost-effective product as compared with epoxy-coated or stainless steel.
  • It is invulnerable to chloride ions and other chemical elements.
  • It can be manufactured in custom lengths, bends, and shapes.
  • The installation process of GFRP rebar is very convenient coupled with its property of being easy to cut and machined.
  • It is transparent to electrical field and radio frequencies
  • A project reinforced with GFRP rebar is maintenance free, enabling builders to avoid rehabilitation cost.

It may seem that fiberglass reinforcement is expensive while other traditional steel reinforcement is relatively inexpensive. In fact, fiberglass rebar is a cost-effective building material as it gives a concrete structure long lifespan without major maintenance.

The Best Concrete Reinforcement Solution for Marine Structures

Marine structures, such as seawalls, submarine tunnels, piers, and groins, are engineering facilities which are constructed as a source of development and marine resource exploitation. Rock, sand, concrete, and steel are some of the conventional materials used in marine applications. Marine concrete structures have to withstand the extreme environmental pressure. They are subject to corrosive agents which can corrode the reinforcing steel causing spalling, rusting, and shortening the service life of the structure.


Corrosion and marine environment

Corrosion can simply be described as the deterioration of a metal by an electrochemical reaction. The pH of the concrete can fall when it became carbonated, causing the loss of passivity. The passivation layer is broken when chlorides reach the steel. Some of the common causes of corrosion are:

  • Chloride-containing admixtures
  • Sea water
  • Airborne chlorides
  • Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
  • Sea dredged aggregates

Corrosion process forms rust, causing a seven times increase in the volume of reinforcement bars. The dramatic change in volume causes spalling of the concrete surface making it even more vulnerable to aggressive environment. The abundance of moisture and chlorides make the environment extremely harsh for marine construction projects. Some of the structure that are build in or close proximity to oceans are:

  • Retaining walls, seawalls
  • Floating structures
  • Decks, quays, and piles
  • Boat ramps, jetties, and bulkheads
  • Roads, buildings, and aquariums

How to control corrosion

So far as marine structures are concerned, reinforcement concrete needs to be a highly durable and corrosion-free structural material demanding little or no maintenance. Without correct mixing, design, placement, and curing, the durability of concrete can be impaired. Good practices and quality material can play a role in minimizing the direct maintenance cost and increasing the life cycle of a sensitive concrete structure.

GFRP reinforcement

Glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) reinforcement has compelling mechanical and physical properties that make GFRP particularly attractive for marine structures operating in aggressive environments such as coastal regions, public infrastructure, and buildings that host sensitive equipment. The property of being corrosion-free makes fiberglass rebar a perfect alternative to conventional steel bars which cannot resist rust. Pultrusion is the manufacturing process used to produce fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) bars.

fiberglass rebar alberta

Marine structures reinforced with fiberglass rebar are invulnerable to strong chlorides and moisture. When bonded in concrete, GFRP or fiberglass bars do not react to chemical products, salt, and alkali. Fiberglass rebar is not manufactured with steel or any other metal the pultrusion process helps produce fiberglass rebar that is twice the tensile strength of steel bars. Furthermore, GFRP bars do not interfere with the sensitive electronic equipment.